FAQ - Verified eSign
- Utfasing av BankID på mobil (info in Norwegian)
- Where can I find my companyID?
- In general: How does the Verified CM System Work?
- Can I use an already signed PDF in a new transaction?
- How to migrate existing accounts to use Single Sign-On (SSO)
- (NO) Er elektronisk signering rettsgyldig ?
- Why can't I download the signed document, as a silent party?
- What type of PDFs are supported?
- Where can I find my envelope ID?
- Login fails with "iat is in the future". What can I do?
- How to solve problems with receiving an SMS?
- Why can't I view my PDF?
- BankID error: BID-18a8d (PDF file size limit)
- Are password protected PDF's supported?
- Can a recipient be deleted from an envelope?
- Adobe: At least one signature has problems
- User levels
- BankID på mobil (Information in Norwegian regarding the use of BankID NO)
- What does it mean that an envelope has expired?
- What does it mean that an envelope was rejected?
- How can I switch companies?
- How can I use the same email address for multiple recipients?
- I'm not able to upload files to Verified
- Why is my password considered not secure?
- Why couldn't I sign my PDF with NemID?
- Where can I find the API documentation?
- Do I need a Verified account to sign documents?
- How can I see who has opened or signed a document?
- How many attachments can I add to a document?
- How many documents can I add to an envelope?