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    Julian created an article,

    The link is not working. What's the problem?

    If a link to sign documents is not working, here are some steps you might take: 1. Are you using a VPN, remote desktop tool or anything similar?If you are, you will need to quit those in order to s...

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    Julian created an article,

    What browsers are supported?

    Verified officially supports the following browsers:   Desktop: Chrome Firefox Edge Safari Opera v123+ v124+ v124+ v17+  v109+   Mobile: Chrome Safari   v124+ v1...

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    Julian created an article,

    How many recipients can I add to an envelope?

    We recommend having a maximum of 10 recipients. This to ensure a smooth process and to avoid unexpected document behavior. Also remember to send attachments smaller than 10mb (individual size).

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    Julian created an article,

    What can I do if a recipient is taking too long to sign?

    If a recipient is taking too long to sign a document, you can send a reminder. Just open the document on your dashboard and press the bell icon. Alter your reminder message if you want, and click s...

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    Julian created an article,

    How many attachments can I add to a document?

    There is no limit to how many files you add to a document as attachments. 

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    Julian created an article,

    How many documents can I add to an envelope?

     You can add a maximum of 10 documents into an envelope.    Bare in mind you can also add attachments to documents, so if you want to include some PDFs (such as annexes) that recipients need to see...

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    Julian created an article,

    How can I see who has opened or signed a document?

    1. As a verified user In the Verified App go to the Dashboard or Archive, find the envelope you want and click to expand it. There you can see the statuses for all the signatories, including who op...

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    Julian created an article,

    What happens if someone rejects a document?

    If a recipient rejects a document from an envelope, he is asked for a reason for his rejection. All the recipients of that envelope will then get an email being informed of this.   If that envelope...

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    Julian created an article,

    What is the signing order of an envelope?

    Recipients can be requested to sign in two ways: Sequential: recipients will sign in order.The first recipient will get an envelope with document(s). The documents he/she signs will then be sent ...

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    Julian created an article,


    A collection of the most used terms related to the Verified platform.   Envelope: a collection of one or several documents (and their attachments), which are sent for signing Recipient: a person wh...